Our friendly team of qualified and experienced Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists provide a range of unique and tailored services to help you Live better, Perform stronger and Be Well!
Injury Prevention
Reach your goals and reduce the likelihood of injury with our physical health screenings, diet assessments, & tailored strength and conditioning programs.
Post-Operative Rehabilitation
From acute pain management, to rebuilding
strength, confidence and performance, our experienced team coordinate tailored post-surgery rehabilitation programs.
Athletic Performance
Reach your optimal athletic performance with our physical health screenings, diet assessments, & tailored strength and conditioning programs.
We work with elite and high performing athletes.
Chronic Pain Management
Comprehensive assessment and management of chronic pain conditions, incl. back & neck pain,
cervicogenic headache & tempero-mandibular joint pain (TMJ). We coordinate programs together with your GP and other health providers.
Diabetes & Osteoporosis
Diet, exercise and movement are vital components to managing diabetes and osteoporosis conditions. We work together with your GP and specialist health providers to coordinate the best program for your needs.
Fracture Casting & Bracing
With the direction from your GP or specialist we can remove or apply plaster and fibreglass casts to manage fractures. We offer waterproof lining options as well as stock a full range of boots and braces for other ligament injuries.
Sports Taping
Providing same day sports taping for events and game day urgencies. Also offer sports taping for injury support and management. LASP conduct regular sports taping courses for local clubs and trainers as well as instructional taping videos.